NYPD IAB Bratton Reznick NYPD Chief Dowd Ray Kelly Campisi 911 FirstNet Fixing Favors Corruption?
I am gearing up to sue Mr. Bratton and Mr. Reznick along with others filing a notice of claim in June or July of 2015 that "collaborative policing" is really about protecting the blue wall of corruption in my opinion....If morale was not low enough with Ray Kelly than FYI the perception of the NYPD, IAB, CCRB, Commission to Combat Police Corruption as untrustworthy and corrupt is even higher now under Bratton? Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi explain Mr. Dowd Verizon 911 FirstNet.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
NYPD John Miller empowered the Prospect Park Rapist to Rape again and again but don't rob his son
Friday, November 15, 2019
NYPD Pal Eugene Schatz arrested but how about Ed Winski, Det Andrew Dwyer and everyone party to Erasing Crimes my case?
NYPD Pal Eugene Schatz arrested but how about Ed Winski, Det Andrew Dwyer and everyone party to Erasing Crimes my case?
Empowered by Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Bill Bratton, Chief Reznick, James O'Neill, Chief Shea
Off-Duty NYPD Busted Drunk Driving is NYPD PO Eugene Schatz Crooked Cop I reported 2010 onward
See the Youtube NYPD porno tour versus my civil rights violated I mention him and his Facebook friend Det. said broke laws in my case and that a federal investigators just questioned him and the cops from the 1st Precinct Det. some bosses that broke laws they would be arrest but I want to federal investigators at this point because civil rights were violated and he was party to the goal to erase all crimes Oct 1, 2012.... Dr AndrewFagelman's office
-- I reported him in 2010 for using his car like a weapon for illegally using a Sirens for being reckless and abusive and parking wherever he wanted to I'm not surprised he was drunk he hit someone and he kept going not surprised at all I'm just surprised he was arrested I guess his hook his fixers his protector was busy that night or couldn't cover up this time?
Empowered by Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Bill Bratton, Chief Reznick, James O'Neill, Chief Shea
Off-Duty NYPD Busted Drunk Driving is NYPD PO Eugene Schatz Crooked Cop I reported 2010 onward
See the Youtube NYPD porno tour versus my civil rights violated I mention him and his Facebook friend Det. said broke laws in my case and that a federal investigators just questioned him and the cops from the 1st Precinct Det. some bosses that broke laws they would be arrest but I want to federal investigators at this point because civil rights were violated and he was party to the goal to erase all crimes Oct 1, 2012.... Dr AndrewFagelman's office
-- I reported him in 2010 for using his car like a weapon for illegally using a Sirens for being reckless and abusive and parking wherever he wanted to I'm not surprised he was drunk he hit someone and he kept going not surprised at all I'm just surprised he was arrested I guess his hook his fixers his protector was busy that night or couldn't cover up this time?
Watch this YouTube -- I mentioned him and see if federal investigators just questioned him they would be arrest in my case I made the statement Thursday morning not knowing he was arrested the night before but sadly only for drunken driving and I believe hitting someone's car and he kept going...
I can't help but wonder how many other terrible things he's done and gotten away with....
Police Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. heading toward the entrance to the bridge about 8 p.m. Wednesday when he got into a fender bender with another car, but kept on going.
Off-duty cop busted for DWI following crash at foot of Manhattan Bridge
October 24 at 10:49 AM ET
An off-duty cop was arrested on drunk driving charges following a crash at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge, officials said Thursday.
NYPD Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. in the Lower East Side headed toward the entrance to the bridge when he got into a fender bender with another car but kept on going about 8 p.m. Wednesday, according to police. No injuries were reported.
The other motorist called police, who soon pulled Schatz over in Brooklyn Heights and determined he was intoxicated, authorities said.
Police charged Schatz, a 21-year veteran of the NYPD, with drunk driving and refusing to take a Breathalyzer test.
© 2019 New York Daily News
Off-duty cop busted for DWI following crash at foot of Manhattan Bridge
OCT 24, 2019 | 10:49 AM

FILE - Police Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. heading toward the entrance to the bridge about 8 p.m. Wednesday when he got into a fender bender with another car, but kept on going. (Jeff Bachner/for New York Daily News)
An off-duty cop was arrested on drunk driving charges following a crash at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge, officials said Thursday.
NYPD Officer Eugene Schatz, 46, was driving along Canal St. in the Lower East Side headed toward the entrance to the bridge when he got into a fender bender with another car but kept on going about 8 p.m. Wednesday, according to police. No injuries were reported.
The other motorist called police, who soon pulled Schatz over in Brooklyn Heights and determined he was intoxicated, authorities said.
Police charged Schatz, a 21-year veteran of the NYPD, with drunk driving and refusing to take a Breathalyzer test.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Top Cops worse than Jussie Smollett
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Jussie Smollett? Corrupt Dr Fagelman, Ray Kelly, Bratton, NYPD PC O'Neill party to Delita Hooks ltr to det. Dwyer threatens me 2nd false cross complaint 2nd• assault top of blog tweet to top cops audio I'm not allowed to report 1st false cross complt suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2019/06/nypd-j…
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
NYPD police commissioner James O'Neill Violates First amendment rights Twitter Obstructing Justice O'Neill, NYPD Chief of Detectives Chief Shea Worse than Jussie Smollet Twitter Evidence! O'Neill strategy block me but it didn't erase my tweet w/ audio! jamesoneillpcnyc.blogspot.com/2019/06/nypd-p…
Joan Illuzzi admitted Delita Hooks complaint was a false cross complaint and she was guilty of second-degree assault menacing and more but Joan went to extreme lengths that should've gotten her fired for retaliating against me lying to me because I'm a critic of her misogynist boss I don't know how she goes to work every day because deep down she knows the truth some people know and they're willing to block it out but I think on some level she knows how wrong she is and her behavior ? Maybe not maybe she's able to compartmentalize like all the criminal that have 0 remorse including in my case from The doctors office 155 Spring St. to the 1st Precinct to One Police Plaza to Internal Affairs to the DAs office to corporate counsel City Hall comptroller's office they're protecting Crimes in my case and how many others?
The lawyers for the city of New York corporate counsel the comptrollers investigators corporate counsel's investigators they protected all crimes because they don't like me they were willing to discriminate against me violating my civil rights my human rights protect crimes if you're protecting Crimes you were therefore complicit?
Jussie Smollett FYI Cy Vance, Tiana Walton, Joan Illuzzi, top NYPD Protected Delita Hooks False Cross Complaint and her letter to Det Andrew Dwyer threatening me w/ a 2nd which would be a fabricated second-degree assault this was protected all by commander Ed Winski , Bratton, O'Neill, Ray Kelly
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Note: please excuse terrible typos
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, Chief Reznick, Charles Campisi, James O'Neill Inspire Apology Wall and Permanent New Commission Police IA DA Corruption
Zachary Carter NYPD Crimes Tumors symptoms worse
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2kfN9T0gNgI really get it now these people are really bad evil people I mean Zachary Carter is covering up how many NYPD crimes in my case in other cases?
I just went through two medical procedures and it doesn't look good what is happening at age 55 these tumors and that's it should be dissipating and they're not it looks like things are getting worse I'm waiting to get the official report I just feel very ill it's also Gastro but I just don't have the energy to go through that and I also worry if I'm suffering greater harm to my brain from lack of sleep so intense or these years and I've been sharing this with everyone because the police corruption is shocking and I was also afraid that my attacker Delita Hooks and her protector nypd criminals who also committed crimes as a group conspiring to have me threatened by corrupt NYPDdetectives were happy to do there would be other victims.... I will talk about that at a later date.
I never received victim services and support because of a corrupt evil doctor in his office those involved in the violence and lies and threats insemination as well as the NYPD and I let possibly Joe Tacopina know if I'm correct he broke laws he should be disbarred and arrested along with everyone Involved in the violence and lies but it's New York City where you can commit murder and walk away and you can steal you can be a criminal and walk away if you know the right people.
Eric Garner did not commit any crime that I saw did you see a video of him committing crime we just hand written lawsuit sure looks to me like he was murdered by reckless thoughtless NYPD Who did nothing when he said I can't breathe 11 times and what is the most reckless of them get 24 hour security and a raise like he's the mayor of New York. Allegedly NYPD the history of violating him according to his hand written lawsuit from Rikers from eight years ago. Eric Garner pro se lawsuit mine make it clear NYPD committed crimes and retaliated against Eric Garner and my case ditto. He and I filed pro se lawsuit under Ray Kelly can you just like the Oscar award-winning film "spotlight" the city so many nyc agencies and NYPD IA DA are covering up crimes
The NYPD are getting away with murder literally and figuratively and they do fixing in favors for rich powerful people for friends or family or just because they can get away with it or the lower crime stats for
It is really important to me that you do not vote for Bill de Blasio and Scott Stringer spend more time covering up crimes therefore complicit like my case and Eric Garner's started under mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kelly and Eric is dead and I'm alive
Please google Dr Fagelman assault any NYPD in the city of New York are as guilty and how many other cases how many other victims the city has Zachary Carter line for ditto his predecessor under Michael Bloomberg and this happened under Michael Bloomberg just like Eric garner's hand written lawsuit and indictment of Ray Kelly in that era.
Where are special prosecutor's I know that I want one for my case how many other victims of NYPD, Internal Affairs corruption are there who want special prosecutors?
It really has to be a memorial wall apology Wall including Dirty DAs crimes all the victims of the NYPD and Internal Affairs and Dirty DA's victims of life and dead.
It would include NYPD victims of corrupt NYPD and corrupt Internal Affairs, corrupt police commissioners that crush any cop that comes forward etc.
It would include NYPD victims of corrupt NYPD and corrupt Internal Affairs, corrupt police commissioners that crush any cop that comes forward etc.
I can't tell you how ill I feel I never got to be a victim and get victim services and victim support because of fixing in favors in retaliation including an MD engage corrupt cops and threatening me and that's a serious crime! All protected so it's time for a special Prosector to look at my case and so many others. Zachary Carter stated he acted within his scope involving redacting documents at the NYPD acted within their scope in the NBA star Thabo Sefolosha's case.
I'm waiting and waiting for Justice and now I'm waiting for medical results and I know that there were tons of tumors that should've been dissipated and that's not good. I suffer intense side effects and I did when I was assaulted almost 5 years ago and it's worse now I didn't think was possible
I alerted the detective immediately that I suffered from a collapsible bladder when I was assaulted and my attacker Knew I had a collapsed bladder.
CCRB kept forwarding my case to the chief of Partman and I believe that's James O'Neill who is now the police commissioner and is so corrupt he keeps Reznick chief Reznick as head of Internal Affairs Dr Reznick was Ned in a lawsuit for calling NYPD whistleblower a rat that is proof proof the police commissioner James O'Neill is corrupt part of the blue wall of corruption and retaliation he is really corrupt along with his predecessors boys club that really runs this corrupt police dept
Mayor de Blasio won't give us a new commission in to police corruption.
He and Scott Stringer don't want you to read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from Riker's where Eric gives horrific details of NYPD abuse and flat out crimes like my case but no arrest and the media is blacking it out like the film Spotlight my case and Eric Garner's filed under Mike Bloomberg, Ray kelly and Charles Campisi.
Bratton kept up the vile practices and Eric Garner is dead. Ray Kelly taught me NYPD fix crime like a Las Vegas Casino.
Bratton taught me turn broken windows
back on the NYPD.
James O' Neill flat out lies about
community relations and he keeps
Chief Reznick as the head of
Internal Affairs that called an NYPD
whistle blower a rat so that is proof
Bratton and O'Neill as corrupt as
they come along with Chief Boyce
who is also protecting detectives
that broke laws in my case and
they get off on using Ron Kuby's letter
to pretend their were not a pile up of crimes and they protected a misogynist hate crime I allege Joe Tacopina committed during an open investigation threatening me and using
the word cunt with a fake account.
Tacopina has never contacted me to deny the allegations.
Do not vote for de Blasio and Stringer and the
For The victims of all these corrupt NYPD, Internal Affairs and so many New York City government agencies CORP COUNSEL New York City government is as guilty as all the agencies a failed us complicit or there's guilty is the employees that were involved in committing crimes on New York City government time
Include all the children killed and gov agencies failed them as well but the wall should focus on Victims murdered, those falsely prosecuted by dirty DAs in bed with NYPD and corrupt cops -- I am a victim of NYPD detectives and their bosses including top cops who dole out retalistion and cook the books to lower crime stats as their NYPD break laws with IA dirt DA protection.
Cy Vance, Michael Bloomberg the largest amount of false arrests of protestors ever in NYC gov history yet another example.
Cy Vance was and is for sale protecting Wall St, 911 Tech Corruption, NYC Gov players, Rudin family greed St Vincent's hospital greed, protected rapists, NYPD criminals, you name it...Google DNA Cy VAnce Intern, Google NYDN Cy VAnce Jeffrey Espstein, Google NYDN NYPD Chief Chuck Dowd.
I'm so traumatized and so exhausted I can't even talk right now and voice dictate anymore so just listen to what I have to say
Thank you
Zachary Carter NYPD Crimes Tumors symptoms worse, NYPD Apology Wall to Victims
NYPD Internal Affairs Dirty DAs NYC Gov Permanent New Commission and Apology Wall
Zachary Carter NYPD Crimes Tumors symptoms worse, NYPD Apology Wall to Victims
NYPD Internal Affairs Dirty DAs NYC Gov Permanent New Commission and Apology Wall
Monday, April 10, 2017
Passover Bloomberg de Blasio NYPD First Precinct IA Crimes Zachary Carter, Catherine Papandrew Lying 41/2 lies from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to 1 Pct 1PP City of NY
Passover Bloomberg de Blasio NYPD First Precinct IA Crimes Zachary Carter, Catherine Papandrew Lying 41/2 lies from Dr Andrew Fagelman's to 1 Pct 1PP City of NY
I voted for mayor de Blasio because I thought he would not be part of the corruption the fixing the favors but he is as bad as mayor Bloomberg covering up 911 tech corruption in the biggest crime ever his finance guy Mark peters is now the head of Dept Of investigation and he's protecting a pile up of crimes that include retaliating against me for blowing the whistle Mark peters wouldn't even talk to me about it he told me to talk to Internal Affairs Drugs 911 tech corruption including top NYPD taking craft as contractors delivered late he just said talk to Internal Affairs and I told her to tell him Iam suing Internal Affairs.
Bill Bratton put all his friends or anyone who could fatten his bank account on the pay roll and Bratton taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD. His choice of Reznick who calls NYPD whistle blower a rat sums up Bratton.
Bill Bratton put all his friends or anyone who could fatten his bank account on the pay roll and Bratton taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD. His choice of Reznick who calls NYPD whistle blower a rat sums up Bratton.
Tonight is Passover I'm exhausted I feel like I can barely move and I over ate experimenting on vegan potato latkes and matzoh ball soup or eggless free of animal suffering...
But again and again I am just stunned I return to being savagely assaulted at Dr Andrew Fagelman and I did some digging much I'm right but he may be the son of a rich doctor from Scarsdale which kind of makes everything even worse because how could he not understand patient rights and patient rights applied all patients and said he and his violent line receptionist/office manager who have a very unusual relationship want to run that office like at studio 54 with mediocre art at best and must more appropriate for a hair salon pointed out by one of their many critics...
Delita Hooks is far worse and more dangerous than the crazy lady in the backseat of the Uber who threatened to punch herself and report the innocent driver for rape when he didn't rape her and what was her motive that didn't have a charger for her phone which was like the crazy violent lying Delita Hooks -- it wasn't that I didn't have a charger it was that I asked would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam and once she committed a series of crimes and her friends in the medical PJs life for her conspired with her and none of them offered assistance and none of them stopped her from the physical P down and they lied to the police during an open investigation with Dr Andrew Fagelman conspired to have me threatened and the corrupt NYPD detective squad those involved including supervisors were willing to break the laws just like with activist Jose LaSalle caught on audio them laughing and crowing with joy they finally had Jose and they were trying to figure out if they could put felony charges on him.
The NYPD already fabricated a mutual sold the detective slide and police reports erasing everything I said and ignoring ny1 d public member marks police reports which is supervisor signed off on as well as video evidence and photo evidence but they didn't care because I knew Internal Affairs would protect them.
I had a bad dream that my apartment shared a communal area with corrupt police officers that I had to see every day and I realize is in that New York City I mean we're living in a city with corrupt NYPD.
Anyway corporate counsel light under Mayor Bloomberg and they're lying under the mayor I thought that would bring change but is callous corrupt and only cares about the oligarchs of New York, his pals, and a few key issues that if he didn't speak up he would look like a Republican.
Zachary Carter sending Catherine Papandrew and she decided to use me my lawsuit as a source she says somewhere but she doesn't say what page I even said that NYPD acted in their scope so in the very beginning of my appeal I'm going to say on the front page of my lawsuit it says I don't have their badge numbers so why didn't she "that and page after page where I say I was coerced they lied and police reports and I backed it up with evidence and any oral argument I said corporate counsel has audio of NYPD sergeant Chen turning me away when I try and report Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist her false cross complaint a crime filed 2 days after me. She said that she knowledges of a patient she knew I was a patient that she had a heated argument with me and that I attacked her and pushed her to the ground and the video with over 450,000 views proves that she filed a false cross-complaint two days after me and that NYPD d she said that she'd knowledges him a patient she knew her as a patient that she had a heated argument with me and that I attacked her and pushed her to the ground in the video with over 450,000 views proves that she filed a false cross-complaint two days after me and that NYPD Det Vergona threaten to Air Force arrest me with a false cross complaint which I pointed out to him at the time.
He told me he work for the police department. This was a detective he told me he didn't care if I had two black eyes he refused to meet me to see the injuries he lied and police reports he was doing fixing in favors like his Facebook friends from the 1st Precinct you knew me or knew of me and we're laughing just like in the audio of Jose La Sale , like supervisors, Det Vergona - when I couldn't locate him last year to serve him because the NYPD legal refused service andthere he was Facebook friends with the corrupt detective for my attacker who did fixing in favors detective Andy Dwyer and his Facebook friends with the first cop I ever reported to Internal the 1st Precinct does fixing in favors for the rich I don't know if they get invited to parties words about donations or if there's money exchanged, Viagra, painkillers, fake prescriptions for human growth hormone which is banned by the I have no idea?
I asked Detective John Vergona who is going to false arrest me for running punched my head after a violent threat to slap the crap out of my ass all omitted from his police reports so he could fabricate athird-degree assault which is a desk appearance on the Sabbath Saturday 4pm are you anti-Semitic? He could've have said no but he did not. I believe he is anti-Semitic and he couldn't say the truth yes because there was someone Jewish in earshot!
How could the NYPD do an investigation when they refused to meet me and only met the rich MD and his attack receptionist after his violent lying employee filed a false cross complaint.
When the private investigator asked Dr Andrew Fagelman did you talk to the NYPD he said NO COMMENT because he knew if he told the truth he would incriminate himself so I will be getting in to the investigation that was not done and crimes committed from the MD's to the NYPD and Internal Affairs protecting those pile up of crimes AND HOW THE NYPD AND INTERNAL AFFAIRS NEVER INVESTIGATED THREATENING A VICTIM DURING AN OPEN INVESTIGATION A MISOYGNIST HATE CRIME -- THE EMAIL TO DET VERGONA WHERE I ASK IS THIS WITNESS TAMPERING MAYBE BECAUSE THE NYPD KNEW IT WAS JOE TACOPINA AND THEY WERE SO GRATEFUL
THE NYPD DET SQUAD ALSO WANTED TO PROTECT JOE TACOPINA IF IT WAS HIM AND I AM RIGHT BECAUSE HE GOT OFF THE NYPD RAPE COP WITH HEROIN IN HIS LOCKER AND THEY TOOK HAVE PLANTED DRUGS? THEY TOO HAVE PREYED ON DRUNK WOMEN WHICH IS RAPE SO THEY WERE THRILLED WHEN THEY SAW THE THREATS TO BURY ME, DESTROY ME, TURN THE TABLES ON ME AND DET VERGONA, HIS PARTNER WHO'S NAME I DO NOT HAVE, DET ANDY DWYER AND HIS PARTNER THEIR SUPERVISORS DI ED WINKSI, LT ANGELO BURGOS, SGT CHEN ALL IN ON IT AND CHIEF BOYCE AND LT ROY KNOW AS DO THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS THAT THERE WAS A PILE UP OF CRIMES FROM THE DR ANDREW FAGELMAN'S TO THE FIRST PRECINCT TO 1 POLICE PLAZA and like the activist Jose LaSalle they are covering up in your face retaliation. In my case it was fixing, favors, retaliation and fabrication of a mutual assault when it was menacing -- she should never have come out from behind that desk to stalk me as I tried to get help and Dr Vine my MD that removed the cyst on my elbow -- injected my elbow twice with numbing injections was in with another patient.
My arm was numb, I was holding bags on my left should and holding my iPhone with my right hand as I became a human piñata as I backed away but Det Vergona lied and lied in his police reports and they all had a good laugh -- as Det John Vergona said I don't care if you have 2 black eyes.
I had a hole in my retina, floaters in both eyes from Delita Hooks repeatedly yanking my head by my hair, cervical damage and she even touched my vaginal area with her barefoot after throwing her shoes ALL OMMITED FROM DR JOHN VERGONA'S POLICE REPORTS SO NOW YOU KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT TOP NYPD BRASS LIKE BOYCE WHO ALSO KNOWS THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE LIED DURING AN OPEN INVESTIGATION. Top NYPD Brass and IA know I was threatened but that is how NYPD with IAB's protection and top brass's ok lower crime stats as well as dole out retaliation make crimes disappear.
I pray every violent liar everyone party to violence and lies gets their karma including my case.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
.@NYPDONeill Joe Tacopina oggled me so I turned my iPhone on him asked y RAPES up underreported? Makesme confrontative Cunt NYPD protected fixing favors?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill Ask Joe Tacopina if he contacted my attacker Delita Hooks, they, Dr Fagelman NYPD Det committed more crimes= 0crimes youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE
Vegan Potato Latkes w/ Corn and Jalapeños Artist's Passover Latkes
http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2017/04/vegan-potato-latkes-w-corn-and.html?m=1Thursday, February 2, 2017
NYPD Chief Reznick Corrupt Internal Affairs chief protects Violence Misogynist Lying in police reports Bratton and PC James O'Neill
Dr Andrew Fagelman NYPD Fixing Favors Savage Assault of Patient has over 700 000 Views, Delita Hooks False Cross Complaint 4,500 Views on Scribd.com
i'm a victim of so many crimes and I've suit in 4 quarts and I don't have Justice because I lied so I'd like a federal prosecution including for lying in court and how many internal affairs Chiefs looked away, so far all of them I want them question under oath in my case, and countless other cases
https://www.scribd.com/doc/173385168/Dr-Andrew-Fagelman-Receptionist-Office-Manager-Delita-Hooks-False-Criminal-Report-to-NYPD (For Civilians -- once an honest cop gave me the number of her false cross complaint I can file out a report and ask for the lies Delita Hooks told the NYPD and you can see the employee from the NYPD writes in Delita Hooks admitting she understood I was a patient and she admits she had a heated argument with me which is nuts by the way because all I asked is would you consider paper cups instead of styrofoam but that crazy violent liar kept shouting lies like I leave trash and you can see from the video she continues on and to this day thanks to corrupt NYPD officers (may it happen to them) and her evil corrupt slimy boss she has no idea lying and violence is wrong?
By the way I never made contact with her left body and did not kick her and leave a bruise on her body. My guess whom ever advised her to fabricate a false cross complaint whether it was a corrupt NYPD officer or Joe Tacopina who if it was him he broke the law told her to lie and say I left a bruise when I didn't but she made a hole in my retina, created a massive amount of floaters from yanking my hair and neck repeatedly and she touched my vagina with her barefoot which is sexual assault.
Delita Hooks false cross complaint -- thanks to one honest cop at the First Precinct I got her false cross complaint filed 2 days after me and fyi on Scribed 4,500 views on Scribd.com and ADA Joan Illuzzi infront of her Intern Denis, special investigator Berry admitted Delita Hooks complaint is FALSE! It is a crime!
So is lying to the police and so is conspiring with NYPD detectives to have me threatened so Dr Andrew Fagelman did not have to fire his violent lying receptionist office manager.
Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer and their partners and Sgt Chen and Lt Burgos hid from me and refused to meet me as they conspired to break the law, lie in police reports and it was decided Det John Vergona was going to verbally violently threaten me as they did a bait and switch -- see the youtube of the attack she repeatedly assaulted me as I backed away and she could have closed the door or even apologized for repeatedly violating my patient rights but the misogynist corrupt NYPD from the First Precinct from coward DI Ed Winski to Det Andy Dwyer and Det Vergona's facebook pal NYPD PO Gene Schatz with the red glove fuck you glove as his facebook profile not on the side panel of the NYPD New Commission blog and a few other of my bogs all decided to participate in a gang bang of retaliation protecting all the crimes from the doctor's office to the my guess Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel threatening me (pay back for my blogging, protesting them comparing the NYPD Rape Cop Victim's vagina to a venus fly trap as well as filing an ethical complaint for their misogyny in court) all protected and than the NYPD joined in breaking the law joining my attacker violent liar Delita Hooks in threatening me and lying in police reports as well.
See how Det John Vergona lied from the very beginning in his first DD5 and Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen and DI Ed Winski protected all the crimes just like the supervisors at in Williamsburg the fixing starts at the very top..... that is why years of no Justice which birth the concept of the NYPD App Tracker.
There are more than one John Vergona so I believe the evil cowardly corrupt detective that hid from me like a Klu Klux clan member is face book friends with his wife Susan Balzan so that is how identify the John Vergona that broke the law and got to retire and enjoy his pension in his big house on Staten Island.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
NYPD Det John Vergona 01 Det Squad LIED vs Public Member Marks My Case by Suzannah Troy on Scribd
Bill Bratton and Chief Reznick and Ray Kelly and Campisi taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD...really shameful but literally criminal.
NYPD Det John Vergona 01 Det Squad LIED vs Public Member Marks My Case by Suzannah Troy on Scribd
NYPD Det John Vergona 01 Det Squad LIED vs Public Member Marks My Case by Suzannah Troy on Scribd
Public Member Marks took my complaint in person after I was savagely assaulted. He was swamped = the phones were ringing Oct 1 2012 and not one uniformed officer would pick up the phone and several people were waiting to report crimes but he got everything right except it was 2nd degree assault and than take a look at Det John Vergona who I have emails proving he got the video of the attack but he doctored his DD5 and this is just one of how many were he lied -- Google Dr Fagelman assault and watch the YouTube of the attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delita Hooks Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying receptionist office manager could have closed the door and even apologized but she repeatedly holds it open to repeatedly assault me -- first her keys left defense wounds on my arm which I told Det Vergona -- I also told Public Marks I called IA and they said get Domestic Violence division to take photos of my eye and arm etc but Public Members marks said they had left so I took photos and emailed right after i got off the phone with Det Vergona Oct 3, 2012 and the video, a blog link and my MD faxed him a medical report but he omitted it all including Delita Hooks touching my vaginal area with her barefoot when she could not directly kick me and she tried repeated she stretch her foot to touch my vagina area with her barefoot but that is omitted along with her first throwing her shoes.
You can see Delita Hooks holding the door open and switching hands and hitting me with her with PHONE!
I WILL KEEP fighting for Justice and if I can't get Justice because corruption too deep than the goal a new Commission in to Police Corruption plus my concept of an NYPD app tracker.
Lying to the police during an open investigation is a crime even if Det John Vergona and his detective co-workers and supervisors lying or protecting the lies and party to coercion.
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